before you enter

before you enter

let's meet again, if only in our dreams
is rated 16+ for mature/sensitive themes and topics. please note that it contains the following:

  • surreal themes
  • blood + occasional gore
  • self-harm
  • [attempted] suicide
  • depictions of mental illness [depression, ptsd, schizophrenia, etc.]
  • [childhood] trauma
  • [child] abuse/neglect
  • [child] death
  • [child] sexual assault [nongraphic]
  • depictions of pregnancy + childbirth
  • religious trauma
  • transphobia
  • homophobia
  • ableism
  • bullying
  • DON'T PROCEED IF ANY OF THIS IS TRIGGERING FOR YOU!!! i love you and want only the best for you.

    are you ok with all of this?